Vamos contar histórias infantis

 “You can start telling stories to your child when it (yes, it) is still in the womb. Research shows that babies who have been spoken to while in the womb develop speaking skills better and learn to respond to voices faster than other babies.”

Telling stories is one of our joy.
“It plays a critical part in your child’s overall development by enhancing their imagination and creatively promoting language learning. Being the oldest form of teaching, storytelling brings the process of language learning into life. It enables language development and promotes early literacy skills in your child.” (02/12/2021)

tell-a-tale.com › the-right-age-to-start-telling

Porta entreaberta e lá dentro reina o mundo da fantasia, da imaginação, da alegria e de muitas aprendizagens, como por exemplo, a empatia pelos sentimentos de quem nos rodeia.

É esta parte da nossa missão.

Foto tirada na Loja “O Cesto” Rua 5 de Outubro, Évora.

Marcações de datas e locais conforme disponibilidade da nossa agenda.

[email protected]

 You can start telling stories to your child when it (yes, it) is still in the womb. Research shows that babies who have been spoken to while in the womb develop speaking skills better and learn to respond to voices faster than other babies.

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